BookBlock: A Content Flip Plugin

BookBlock: A Content Flip Plugin:
BookBlock: A Content Flip Plugin
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BookBlock is a jQuery plugin that can be used for creating booklet-like components that allow a “page flip” navigation. Any content can be used, such as images or text. The plugin transforms the structure only when needed (i.e. when flipping a page) and uses some overlays as shadow for the pages to create more realism.
We will be using jQuery++ by Bitovi which has some add-ons for jQuery (specifically, to add the swipe event).
The following structure will allow to add custom content in a wrapper with the class “cf-item”, which represents an open page (left and right side):
<div id="bb-bookblock" class="bb-bookblock">
 <div class="bb-item">
  <!-- custom content -->
 <div class="bb-item">
 <div class="bb-item">
  <!-- ... -->
 <div class="bb-item">
  <!-- ... -->
 <!-- ... -->
The plugin can be called like this:
$(function() {
 $( '#bb-bookblock' ).bookblock();

You also have to include the other scripts that are needed (see one of the demo files).


The following options are available:
// speed for the flip transition in ms.
speed  : 1000,

// easing for the flip transition.
easing  : 'ease-in-out',

// if set to true, both the flipping page and the sides will have an overlay to simulate shadows
shadows  : true,

// opacity value for the "shadow" on both sides (when the flipping page is over it).
// value : 0.1 - 1
shadowSides : 0.2,

// opacity value for the "shadow" on the flipping page (while it is flipping).
// value : 0.1 - 1
shadowFlip : 0.1,

// perspective value
perspective : 1300,

// if we should show the first item after reaching the end.
circular : false,

// if we want to specify a selector that triggers the next() function. example: '#bb-nav-next'.
nextEl  : '',

// if we want to specify a selector that triggers the prev() function.
prevEl  : '',

// callback after the flip transition.
// page is the current item's index.
// isLimit is true if the current page is the last one (or the first one).
onEndFlip : function( page, isLimit ) { return false; },

// callback before the flip transition.
// page is the current item's index.
onBeforeFlip: function( page ) { return false; }
Check out the three demos with different configurations:
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