- Draft BBC Mobile Accessibility Standards and Guidelines – by Henny Swan
- MQtest.io – A simple tool to help identify which media queries your device responds to
- JavaScript Cookbook is a site for common JavaScript problems and solutions
- Changes in rankings of smartphone search results – Google will spank you if you have faulty redirects (“when a desktop page redirects smartphone users to an irrelevant page on the smartphone-optimized website”) or App download interstitials
- Grumpicon for SVG icons/ illustrations with PNG fallback for everbrown browsers
- “Lots has happened in the world of Responsive Images since I wrote Mo’ Pixels, Mo’ Problems. And by lots, I mean nothing at all.” – a follow-up post to a 2012 article for A List Apart
- W3C Pointer Events Gains Further Web Momentum with Patch For Mozilla Firefox – Micosoft also intends to implement for Blink
- The problem with the ‘debate’ over online porn is the two sides aren’t even speaking the same language says the Daily Telegraph, showing that censorship proposals by Claire Perry aren’t based on fact, or understanding of the mechanics of the web
- Stop Doing Internet Wrong commands Scott Hanselman
- Setting a custom ghost image when using HTML5 drag and drop – vile hackery by @sil (for which I’m partially to blame)
- Progressive enhancement is still important says Jake Archibald
- Yehuda Katz: The Future of the Client-Side Web – 30 min video, well worth watching
- Why JavaScript? – why invest loads of time and effort making JS fit the needs of the modern web, by another reformist TAG member, Alex Russell
- HTML5 Doctor: The
main element - Testing the web – practical instructions by HTML5 Dr @boblet on how *you* can help interop by writing reftests
- Introducing Web Animations – harmonising (some of) SVG and CSS animations. Coming soon in Blink, Firefox and Polyfill
- Opt Out of Klout – Now! – “A number on a screen doesn’t control your destiny; you do” says Terence Eden
- Anorak corner: Who designed the “broken image” icons? (Quora link, sorry mobile users)
HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Design, JS, ES2015, jQuery, Backbone.js, AngularJS, React, CORS, MEAN stack, Node.js (Restify / Express), PHP (Drupal / WordPress), Ruby (Rails / Sinatra), Ionic, PhoneGap, Jasmine, Mocha & Many more ...