HTML5, Responsive, NEWT
- Opera’s WebKit patches – enhancements to WebKit’s CSS support and some housekeeping
- Interview with Steve Faulkner
- Design From the Inside Out With CSS Min-Content the little-known CSS
value - Open Web Platform Daily Digest
- “Browser Versions Are Dead”- One hour talk by @getify on why feature detection is the only sensible development methodology
- Media queries for multichannel audio? – suggestion by Netflix: “This would save network bandwidth as well as providing better quality (if the custom-mixed stereo audio is likely better than the end-device down-mixed version)”
- Shadow DOM 201 – CSS and Styling
- 10 things web designers need to know about app design
- JavaScript refresh – “We will cover here some of the key concepts of JavaScript to get us started.”
- SlowmoJS – utility shows you step-by-step how your code is analysed and executed.
- Callback Hell – A guide to writing elegant asynchronous javascript programs
- Cross-Browser, Event-based, Element Resize Detection
- On Responsive Layout and Grids
- Preparing for the Collapse of Digital Civilization – Terence Eden on Google Reader, free web services and open-source replacements for them
- Unsupportable Promises – Eric Meyer gets all negged out and totally heavy about @supports in CSS
- Google fixing some WebP image format shortcomings – “Google finalizes how its image file format will handle metadata and color profiles. Also new: faster encoding and animation support.”
- Shadow DOM 301: Advanced Concepts & DOM APIs
- The UX drinking game
DRM corner
- Encrypted Media Extensions (the official term for HTML5 DRM) – 1 hour 40 mins video presentation from John Simmons of Microsoft
- The purpose of DRM by Hixie. Interesting analysis (“The purpose of DRM is not to prevent copyright violations. The purpose of DRM is to give content providers leverage against creators of playback devices”) but avoids direct question of why Google supports it.
- Music sales are not affected by web piracy, study finds report published by the European Commission Joint Research Committee
- Brightcove retreats from HTML5pushes refreshed SDKs for native Android, iOS apps – “native apps allow Brightcove customers to properly install digital rights management policies”
- Apple’s entire product line targeted for alleged DRM patent violations – “Intertrust won $440M from Microsoft, now accuses Apple of using its patented tech.” As Robin Berjon wittily noted, this is like Alien vs Predator.
Social Meeja corner
- Hyperbole corner: “websites are dead” says person employed by Asda to do social media rather than its website (which they haven’t taken offline) “while exploring ways to tie-in the mobile and social customer journey to their in-store experiences”
- Rain on your ‘social customer journey’ parade corner: Buzzkill: Coca-Cola Finds No Sales Lift from Online Chatter
- Will MySpace ever lose its monopoly? from 2007