Perfect Workflow in Sublime Text: Free Course!

Perfect Workflow in Sublime Text: Free Course!:
I’m pleased to announce that my newest course on Tuts+ Premium is out…and free to everyone! I have a confession: I’m a code editor addict, and have tried them all! I was an early adopter of Coda, a TextMate advocate, even a Vim convert. But all of that changed when I discovered Sublime Text 2, the best code editor available today.

I’ll demonstrate what I consider to be the perfect workflow.
In this free course, I’ll demonstrate what I consider to be the perfect workflow in Sublime Text 2. We’ll cover everything from the basic core features, such as multiple cursors and the command palette, to the most popular and useful plugins, to working with Sublime’s build system.
If you’re intrigued by Sublime Text, but haven’t yet dug into it, now is the perfect time. Let me convince you!


Here’s the full lesson outline for the course. You certainly don’t have to watch in order; skip around to the ones that interest you most!

Exclusively on Tuts+ Premium

Perfect Workflow in Sublime Text